Welcome to the Town of Franklin

The Town of Franklin is deeply appreciative of the Mid-South RC&D grant that enabled us to purchase and install a new sign for Franklin Town Hall with a message board to keep everyone informed and up to date. Franklin Residents, stay tuned for local announcements of meetings and events in our town. Thank you to the Mid-South RC&D Staff, Board of Directors and our Local Legislators for helping to make this happen!
Public Hearing Notice
Franklin Zoning Ordinance
Franklin Subdivision Regulations
- No categories

2022 Holiday Closures
January 1- New Year’s Day
January 17 – Martin Luther King Day
February 21- Presidents Day
May 30- Memorial Day
June 20 – Juneteenth
July 4 – Independence Day
September 5 – Labor Day
October 10 – Columbus Day
November 11- Veterans Day
November 24-25 – Thanksgiving
December 23-26 – Christmas Eve & Christmas Day